View Profile Silveraxe
Coming soon: New Super Mario World part 0! (How to kidnap a princess?!*) Status: Almost finished... gonna release it soon I think...

M P @Silveraxe

Age 34, Male



Germany; Bremen

Joined on 9/11/06

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And that prequel's still in progress.
haven't worked on it for ages though since I've mainly had a bunch of projects on another account. And even though NSMW1 has been pretty seccessful, I'm not really considering this my main anymore.
Most Mario stuff is badly overrated but sprites were my key for learning to animate and I'm pretty glad this movie has given me so much self-confidence and positive feedback.
Though I'm not really into this Mario stuff anymore, the prequel I planned will be finished but I may release it on another account (co-authoring this one) and completely get rid of the sprites since using those is just lazy and not my style anymore.
There are tons of great toons out there which actually deserve more recognation than most of the spritemovies but just get overlooked... yet, I'm pretty proud of this site since mainly the actually good stuff gets supported.
The only reason I'm gonna finish this work is because the animation is almost done anyway, mainly contains handdrawn stuff and I got lots of positive feedback from friends and other people who just loved the humor. But if you want to know your actual animation skill, producing video game based parodies is just not way to go, more like passive cheating; if there's one thing I have learned in the past year, it's that trying to get the recognation with stuff of similar quality it much harder if it is not based on an already popular content.